Descendants of Lucas* Ahier


31. Philippe Ahier

Godparents: Me Philippe Anthoine et Mse Elizabeth Anthoine, sa femme(source: Pam Hislop)

Marguerite Neel

Trevor Labey speculates that Marguerite may have been from the Neelfamily living near to the Ahiers in La Rue St. Thomas (now (1999) theHotel L'Emeraude).

Pam Hislop has a death date of January 1813 for a Marguerite Neel -but not sure if this is "our" Marguerite

34. Margueritte Ahier

Godparents: Jean Neel and Sara Neel

Marguerite inherited Le Petit Jardin in La Rue St. Thomas after thedeath of Gedeon Ahier, her uncle, in 1830. [Trevor Labey]

Volume 155 - Folio 106 - dated: 8-dec-1832
Mse Margueritte Ahier, daughter of Philippe; sells to Monsr. PhilippeAlexandre, son of Jean:
Her house, outbuildings etc., adjoining the lands of Thomas AnthoineEcr. to the south, partly on the public road and the lands of ThomasAnthoine Ecr. to the east; and lanes to the north and west. Alsoappertaining lands, including:
La Piece de Neel, adjoining lands of Dlle Jeanne Perchard, wife ofThomas Filleul junr. gent., to the east and lands of Monsr. CharlesPerchard to the south, and public road to the north and west.
Le Clos des Traversains du Douaire
7 vergées 31 perches in Le Clos du Douaire.
Together containing 23 vergées 28 perches 13 feet.
In the fiefs du Roi, de l'Abbesse de Caen and de Grainville, St.Saviour. A meadow being situated in the fief de l'Abbesse de Caen andLe Clos du Douaire in the fief de Grainville.
For: 82.3.5 1/4
Pays 6.1. 1/4
To the King:
1.4.0 for "le propre"
2.0.0 for the forfeiture of Harliston
1.3.0 for the Fille de Carteret
0.5.0 to the Priory of St. Clement
0.3.0 of barley to the Priory of St. Clement
18 deniers for St. Germain.
Owned by vendor as heir to her uncle, Monsr. Gedeon Ahier.
(researched by Trevor Labey, 1999)

Philippe Langlois

marriage on June 24, 1800 or 1801, St. Saviour [Pam Hislop]

35. Marie Ahier

Godparents: Gedeon Ahier, uncle of the child, and Marie Amiraux[Trevor Labey]

Transactions from the Contract's Registry in the Royal Square, St.Helier.
Volume 155 - Folio 105 - dated 8-dec-1832
Mse Marie Ahier, younger daughter of the late Monsr. Philippe Ahier,one of the younger sons of the late Monsr. Gedeon Ahier, the saidMarie Ahier thus co-heir in the collateral succession to the estate ofher uncle, Monsr. Gedeon Ahier, son of Monsr. Gedeon Ahier senr.; thesaid Marie Ahier also wife of Monsr. Jean Perchard;
sells share in her said uncle's estate to:
Mse Margueritte Ahier, eldest daughter of the said Philippe etc., andthus principal heir of her said uncle.
For: 9. 7.51
Rentes assigned.
(researched by Trevor Labey, 1999)

36. Elizabeth Ahier

Godparents: Jean Ahier and Elizabeth Neel, his wife. [Trevor Labey]

32. Jean Ahier

Godparents: Rev'd Jean Dupré & Marie Millais his wife.

Death date based on death date of a 75 year old Jean Ahier in St.Saviour - not confirmed that this is same Jean (source: Pam Hislop).

37. Jean Ahier

Godparents: Jean Neel and Sara Neel [Trevor Labey]

33. Abraham* Ahier

Godparents: Jean Nicolle & Marie Estur, wife of Elie Nicolle.

In the meantime, Gedeon's youngest brother, Abraham Ahier, had marrieda
young woman from St Clement by the name of Jeanne Roissier, daughterof
Jean Roissier and Susanne Touzel. At first Abraham senr. and Jeanne
Roissier lived in St Helier where Jane's father was baptised at theTown
Church on 3rd January 1798. However, in 1804 Jeanne acquired hermother's
house in St Clement, a property where she and her husband must havetaken
up residence shortly afterwards. It would be in St Clement where they
would remain for the duration of their lives. [Trevor Labey, 1999]

Jeanne* Roissier

Transactions from the Contract's Registry in the Royal Square, St.Helier.
Volume 164 - Folio 204 - dated 17-dec-1836
Mse Jeanne Roissier, daughter of Jean; sells to Monsr. Gedeon Ahier,son of Abraham, her son:
Her house etc. with vegetable garden and Le Clos des Butieres. roadsto the west and south, and:
Le Clos d'Amy and Le Jardin d'Amy
La Buttiere de la Mielle
In the fiefs de Samares and de la Fosse, St. Clement.
For: 17.3.0
Pays 2.3.0 and assigns: 9.0.0 = 0.4.0 on Monsr. Abraham Ahier, brotherof the said buyer.

Volume 164 - Folio 204 - dated 17-dec-1836
The Estate of Mse Jeanne Roissier
Bordering public
Divided inter-vivos between: Monsr. Gedeon Ahier, eldest son of thelate Monsr. Abraham Ahier and the legator; &
Monsr. Abraham Ahier & Mse Jeanne Judith Ahier, also children of theaforesaid.
To Gedeon: 6.0.0 = 0.4.0 on himself from the purchase of his saidmother's house etc.
To Abraham: 4.4.0 = 0.4.0 on himself from the purchase of land fromhis said brother Gedeon which was then assigned by the said Gedeon tothe said Jeanne Roissier.
To Jeanne Judith: 4.4.0 = 0.4.0, part of 9.0.0 on the said AbrahamAhier of Grouville, being the remainder of the total balance.
(researched by Trevor Labey, 1999)

38. Gedeon Ahier

Sourced from St. Helier Baptisms - Godparents: Gedeon Ahier, Oncle,Anne Gareau femme Thomas Falle.
Baptised la Maison on 28 July 1788 - Source Pam Hislop
- may have emigrated to Australia .. a reference in "Castle inBohemia" notes a meeting between Gedeon and Abraham (b.1823) inMelbourne, in about 1853 or 1854.

Transactions from the Contract's Registry in the Royal Square, St.Helier.
Volume 164 - Folio 203 - 17-dec-1836
Monsr. Gedeon Ahier, son of Abraham; sells to Monsr. Abraham Ahier hisbrother:
2 vergees 35 perches 10 feet of land on the western side of Le Clos deBas du Mont Esneaux.
Adjoining lands of Monsr. Josue Alexandre to the west and northtogether with the lands of Monsr. Jean Roissier to the north; thelands of the buyer to the east and the lands of Philippe Labey Ecr tothe south. In the fief de Grainville, St. Saviour.
For: 9.0.0 paid as 0.4.0
& £ 48.7.3.
Mse Elizabeth Touzel, wife of vendor, quits dower.
(researched by Trevor Labey, 1999)

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