Descendants of James* Wickenden


4. James* Wickenden

Possible burial date is 22 Feb 1846, age 86 years (making birth date1760) - from St. Nicholas, Rochester burial records which show Jamesliving in Rochester. Of note is that this James and the Elizabeth ofGillingham, who was buried at St. Nicholas, Rochester on 31 May 1838were not married. Brenda Marns checked with the civil registrationswhich showed this James and that Elizabeth not to be husband and wife.So, if this is "our" James, then the burial of Elizabeth ofGillingham cannot be "our" Elizabeth (Gardener). It can be one or theother (or neither) but not both. [Ken Watson, 2001]

Listed in 1841 Census as living at College
Gate, Cathedral Precinct, Rochester, Kent (along with daughtersSusanna and
Martha). [John Wickenden 2009]

Elizabeth* Gardener

Speculation on death is an "Elizabeth Wickenden" living in Gillinghamwho was buried on 31 May 1838, age 71 years (making birth 1767). Ofnote is that this Elizabeth and James of Rochester, who was buried atSt. Nicholas, Rochester on 22 Feb 1846 were not married. BrendaMarns checked with the civil registrations which showed this James andthat Elizabeth not to be husband and wife. So, if this is "our"Elizabeth, then the burial of James of Rochester cannot be "our"James. It can be one or the other, or neither, but not both. [KenWatson, 2001]

10. Susanna Wickenden

Possible burial date is February 15, 1857 which shows a "Sussannah",age 66. This would place her birth as about 1791, close enough tomatch our Susanna, born 1790. Further confirmation is a note in themargin of the records which stated "Martha Wickenden, sister ofdeceased, appeared before me (the clerk) and said that the spellingwas wrong and it should be Susanna." This margin note was dated 14thFebruary 1862. [Ken Watson, 2001]

11. Martha Wickenden

Possible burial date is April 25, 1875 registered at St. Nicholas,Rochester. It shows Martha Wickenden, age 81 years, which produces abirth date of about 1794, close to the actual 1793 birth date of "our"Martha [Ken Watson, 2001]

12. Mary Ann Wickenden

Death date based on St. Nicholas burial record of a Mary AnnWickenden, age 30 years (making birth date 1795) [Ken Watson, 2001]

17. Thomas Pennock Wickenden

Burial records for St. Nicholas, Rochester show as "Thomas Pennick"buried April 3, 1817, age 10 years.

18. John Wickenden

The 1871 British Census shows a John Wickenden, age 59, born inRochester, to be a lodger in the parish of Trinity Newington inLondon. His occupation is listed as Carpenter. He was lodging in thehousehold of Charlotte Welch, No. 10 Arnott Street.

John Wickenden, Carpenter & Joiner received his Freeman of the City ofRochester in 1835 (Rochester City Archives - transcribed by CyrilWickenden)

20. Ann Wickenden

Burial records for St. Nicholas, Rochester show Ann as living in St.Marylebone, Middlesex, and buried 28 Jan 1826, age 39 years
Joyce Gale notes that Ann never married.

Of note is a burial records for St. Margaret's Church in Rochester ofan Ann Wickenden, living at Carzenauve Street, age 70 Years, who wasburied on 19 Feb 1857. Henry (Harry) Wickenden had a boot shop onCazeneure Street in 1881 (1881 Census). In 1861 though Harry wasliving at home on Princess Street. The only Ann that might fit isthis Ann who would have been Harry's 1st cousin, once removed. JoyceGale provided the original death date for Ann - could it be in erroror is the Ann in the burial record another Ann completely? [KenWatson, 2001]

22. Mary Wickenden

She was engaged to Capt. Harrison who, with the ship's doctor, wasbound back to back and thrown overboard after their ship was boardedby bucaneers on April 5, 1830. We have a newspaper clipping relatingthe event. She never forgot this and died an old maid. [Joyce Gale,1999]

24. John Wickenden

Joyce Gales notes that John died in St. Kitts, having lived there forsome years and looking after merchandise shipped by his father fromEngland

25. Stephen Wickenden

Joyce Gale notes that Stephen died as an infant.

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