Leatherworker. Played the fiddle, famous for his jigs and reels sothat it was said "when he played you could not keep your feet fromdancing" - Grace Wickenden Colby (Grace referred to him as JamesWickenden but stats and dates match Samuel).
Samuel is listed in the various records as a "boot & shoe maker" a"shoemaker" or a "cordwainer" (shoemaker).
Samuel lived at one time in the Chertsy Gate House in Rochester. -"Family History" by Homer Wickenden. Census records show that thefamily was living on Delce Lane, Rochester in 1841 and at 16 PrincessStreet, Rochester in 1861.
Marriage record shows Samuel & Eliza married in the Parish of Hallingby curate John Graham, witnessed by Thomas and Eliza Simmons. Signedby Samuel Wickenden, an X mark for Eliza Wellbeloved. Record No.7 forthe year 1826-27.
Based on the 1861 census which gives a 1798 birth date for Samuel, thelikely birth record is that of a Samuel Wickenden, born on November12, 1798 to a James & Elizabeth Wickenden, baptized on December 2,1798 in Rochester, parish of Saint Nicholas (IGI pg. 29,896). This isconfirmed by a copy of the marriage extract which stated "Samuel Sonof James and Elizabeth Wickenden born Nov 12 was
baptised - Dec 2nd 1798" noting that it "is a true copy of theRegister of Baptism of St Nicholas Church, Rochester, Kent for theyear 1798."A possible death date is December, 1871. A BDM record for MedwayDistrict shows a Samuel Wickenden who died in December, 1871, age 75years. This is the only Samuel listed in the Medway district over aperiod of several decades (note that this doesn't fit with the abovebirth assumption. 1871-75 = 1796.) However age at death is sometimesin error if there is no immediate relative who knows the exact age ofthe deceased.
1841 for Rochester - Delce Lane
Samuel Wickenden 40 Shoemaker (?)Y (appears to be wrong age forSamuel, document very hard to read)
Eliza 33 N
Thomas 14 Y
Mary 12 Y
Elizabeth 10 Y
Caroline 8 Y
Samuel 5 Y
Henry 3 Y
Jane 5 months Y1861 St Margarets Rochester 16 Princes Street
Samuel Wickenden head 63 Boot and Shoe Maker born St NicholasRochester
Eliza wife 54 born Dorking Surrey
Samuel son 24 Mariner born St Margarets
Henry son 22 Boot and Shoe Maker born St Margarets
Jane dau 19 House Servent born St Margarets
Eliza dau 13 born St Margarets
John Christmas son 5 born Chatham
Marriage record shows Eliza and Samuel married in the Parish ofHalling by curate John Graham, witnessed by Thomas and Eliza Simmons.Signed by Samuel Wickenden, an X mark for Eliza Wellbeloved. RecordNo.7 for the year 1826-27.
Census records below provided information to locate Eliza in the IGIdatabase (Batch C074071, Source 0307785-87).
The LDS fim for Dorking shows: "Eliza, d of Elizabeth Wellbeloved,base born, Jan: 17th" <1808> [Simon Parker, 2003]
1841 Census for Rochester (can't read address) De ... Lane (likelyDelce Lane)
Samuel Wickenden 40 Shoemaker (?)Y
Eliza 33 N
Thomas 14 Y
Mary 12 Y
Elizabeth 10 Y
Caroline 8 Y
Samuel 5 Y
Henry 3 Y
Jane 5 months Y1861 Census St Margarets Rochester 16 Princess Street
Samuel Wickenden head 63 Boot and Shoe Maker born St NicholasRochester
Eliza wife 54 born Dorking Surrey
Samuel son 24 Mariner born St Margarets
Henry son 22 Boot and Shoe Maker born St Margarets
Jane dau 19 House Servent born St Margarets
Eliza dau 13 born St Margarets
John Christmas son 5 born Chatham
Scan of baptismal certification only shows partial date of November1828 - the number 4 is showing, so it could be 4, 14, or 24 ofNovember.
Originally added to family line based on names of parents (Samuel &Eliza), place and date of christening as shown in the LDS VitalRecords Index. Confirmation is a photo in the possession of ThomasHoward Wickenden, taken in about 1860, which shows the three Wickendenbrothers. On the back, in writing that appears to be that of ThomasRogers Wickenden, it is labelled "Your Grandfather, Uncle Sam andUncle Harry". This is "Uncle Sam".
Samuel also shows up in the 1841 and 1861 census as part of the familyof Samuel and Eliza. The 1861 census, done when Sam was 24, shows himto be a mariner.
LDS records show 14 February 1836 as birthdate, but baptismalcertificate shows 4 February 1836
INFORMATION BELOW from Chris Haines - 2014 email:
Samuel WICKENDEN, son of Samuel WICKENDEN (1798- ) and ElizaWELLBELOVED (1808- ), was born on 4
February 1836 in Rochester, Kent. The address was: St Margaret. Frombaptism record. Samuel was baptized on 4 May
1836 in Rochester. The address was: St Margaret's parish church. Fromimage of PR at CityArk website: no.566, Samuel
Wickenden, born 4 February, son of Samuel & Eliza of Delce Lane StMargaret's, father a cordwainer. Samuel appeared in
the census on 6 June 1841 in Rochester aged 5. The address was: DelceLane, St Margarets. Age 5, born Kent, with parents
& 6 siblings. Name Samuel Wickenden. HO107 Pc491 Bk5 Fo37 Pg27. In1851 Samuel was a labourer in Rochester aged
15. The address was: St Margaret. From census. Samuel appeared in thecensus on 30 March 1851 in Rochester aged 15.
The address was: Delce Lane, St Margaret. Son, unmarried, labourer,age 15, born Kent St Margaret, with parents, 5 siblings
& an infant niece. Name Samuel Wickenden. HO107 Pc1610 Fo244/5 Pg31/2.In 1861 Samuel was a mariner in Rochester.
The address was: St Margaret. From census. Samuel appeared in thecensus on 7 April 1861 in Rochester aged 24. The
address was: 16 Princes Street, St Margaret. Son, unmarried, mariner,age 24 [sic - actually 25], born St Margaret Kent, with
parents, 3 younger siblings & a young 'brother' [sic - actuallynephew]. Name Samuel Wickenden. RG9 Pc477 Fo19 Pg31/32.
From 13 December 1865 to 20 December 1865 Samuel was resident inBrompton, Kent. The address was: Shipwright's
Arms, Westcourt Street. Alleged in George Burren's petition fordivorce to be adulterously cohabiting with Sarah Burren at
this address between these approximate dates & this allegation was notdisputed by the respondent & co-respondent. From 20
December 1865 to 31 December 1865 Samuel was resident in Gravesend,Kent. The address was: 15 Wrotham Road.
Alleged in George Burren's petition for divorce to be adulterouslycohabiting with Sarah Burren at this address between these
approximate dates & this allegation was not disputed by the respondent& co-respondent. From 5 April 1866 to 25 May 1866
Samuel was resident in New Brompton, Kent. The address was: 6 ChurchPath. Alleged in George Burren's petition for
divorce to be adulterously cohabiting with Sarah Burren at thisaddress between these approximate dates & this allegation was
not disputed by the respondent & co-respondent. In 1871 Samuel was amariner in Rochester aged 35. The address was: St
Margaret. From census. Samuel appeared in the census on 2 April 1871in Rochester aged 35. The address was: 17 Princes
Street, St Margaret. Son, unmarried, mariner, age 35, born St MargaretRochester, with parents, younger sister Eliza & 2
nephews (John C & Thomas). Name Samuel Wickenden. RG10 Pc903 Fo90Pg31. In 1901 Samuel was a retired mariner in
Rochester aged 65. The address was: 3 Princes Street, St MargaretIntra. From census. Samuel appeared in the census on 31
March 1901 in Rochester aged 65. The address was: 3 Princes Street, StMargaret Intra. Boarder, single, retired mariner, age
65, born Kent Rochester, in household of engine-yard labourer ThomasBrown & his wife. Name Sam Wickenden. RG13
Pc725 Fo50 Pg23. Samuel died before December 1907 in Medway district,Kent aged 71. Registered at Medway district in
Q4 1907 vol.2a p.377, Samuel Wickenden, age 71. Samuel had arelationship with Sarah Mary Ann TYLER.Samuel did not marry, & appears to have had no children. Over a periodof several months from December 1865 to May 1866
he adulterously cohabited with young wife Sarah Mary Ann Burren néeTyler in at least 3 residences in Brompton &
Gravesend, as alleged (& not challenged by Sarah or himself) in thesuccessful divorce petition by Sarah's husband George
Burren. Oddly, in mid-1865 Sarah had born a son who was registered &baptized as a legitimate child of Sarah with George
named as the father, but the child was named George Samuel WickendenBurren! The baby appears to have been adopted by
the Hoskin family who had naval connections in both Gillingham &Plymouth, & later married Cordelia Mary Hoskin. Samuel
& Sarah appear to have separated after their brief affair - she wasliving in her maternal grandfather's household in Gillingham
in 1871 but has not yet been found in records after this date. Samuelis not found in 1881 & 1891 censuses (he was
presumably at sea as a mariner) but was back in Rochester as a retiredmariner in 1901, before his death in 1907.Sarah Mary Ann TYLER, daughter of Thomas TYLER (bef1816-bef1877) andSarah Jane TYLER (aft1822-bef1848), was
born before 20 November 1842 in Gillingham, Kent. The address was:Brompton. Initially based on 1851 & 1861 censuses
aged 10 & 19. Registered at Medway in Q4 1842 vol.5 p.350? [possibly360], Sarah Mary Ann Tyler. End-date based on
baptism. Sarah was baptized on 20 November 1842 in Chatham, Kent. Theaddress was: St Mary the Virgin parish church.
From image of PR at CityArk website: no.2548, Sarah Mary Ann Tyler,child of Thomas & Sarah of Gillingham, father a
Corporal RM. Sarah was a scholar in 1851 in Gillingham. The addresswas: Brompton. From census. Sarah appeared in the
census on 30 March 1851 in Gillingham aged 10. The address was: WoodStreet, Brompton. 'Daughter' [sic - actually
granddaughter], scholar, age 10 [sic - actually only 8], born KentBrompton, with maternal grandparents, maternal uncle
Edward, her younger sister Jane, 3 boarders [sic - actually hermarried maternal aunt Charlotte, Charlotte's husband Arthur
Packham, & cousin Ann Packham], & 3 unmarried male boarders, in sharedhouse. Name Sarah Tyler. HO107 Pc1611 Fo554
Pg12. Her married name was Sarah Mary Ann BURREN from 29 May 1859.Sarah married George BURREN on 29 May
1859 in Brompton when he was 21 and she was 19. The address was: HolyTrinity parish church, Military Road, Old
Brompton. Registered at Medway in Q2 1859 vol.2a p.435, George Burren& Sarah Tyler. Details from image of PR from
CityArk: no.38, after banns; groom George Burren, 21, bachelor, cabdriver, of Brompton, father William Burren, cab driver;
bride Sarah Tyler, 19 [sic - actually only 16], spinster, of Brompton,father Edward Tyler, gardener; both signed; witnesses
Edward Burren [presumably groom's younger brother] & Eliza Andrews[presumably groom's married older sister]. Sarah
appeared in the census on 7 April 1861 in Gillingham aged 19. Theaddress was: 10 Middle Street, Brompton. Granddaughter, married, wifeof cab driver, age 19 [sic - actually 18], born Kent Brompton, in hermaternal grandparents'
household with an extensive list of occupants (husband, grandparents,granduncle & cousins, servant, lodgers & visitors) in a
rather haphazard order [see head-of-household's notes for full list].Name Sarah Burren [indexed Burrer by Ancestry.com].
RG9 Pc480 Fo43 Pg21/22. To 13 December 1865 Sarah was resident inRochester. The address was: 5 Delce Lane. Lived
here with her husband George until 13 December, when she left him[according to his divorce petition]. From 13 December
1865 to 20 December 1865 Sarah was resident in Brompton. The addresswas: Shipwright's Arms, Westcourt Street. Alleged
in George Burren's petition for divorce to be adulterously cohabitingwith Samuel Wickenden at this address between these
approximate dates & this allegation was not disputed by the respondent& co-respondent. From 20 December 1865 to 31
December 1865 Sarah was resident in Gravesend. The address was: 15Wrotham Road. Alleged in George Burren's petition
for divorce to be adulterously cohabiting with Samuel Wickenden atthis address between these approximate dates & this
allegation was not disputed by the respondent & co-respondent. From 5April 1866 to 25 May 1866 Sarah was resident in
New Brompton. The address was: 6 Church Path. Alleged in GeorgeBurren's petition for divorce to be adulterously
cohabiting with Samuel Wickenden at this address between theseapproximate dates & this allegation was not disputed by the
respondent & co-respondent. Sarah and George BURREN filed for divorceon 30 May 1866 in London. The address was:
HM Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Petition filed (no.286,renumbered 98) by George Burren for dissolution of
marriage to Sarah, citing Sarah Burren as respondent & SamuelWickenden as co-respondent. Sarah and George BURREN
were divorced (decree nisi) on 17 January 1867 in London. The addresswas: HM Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes.
Decree nisi ordered for dissolution of the marriage, to be madeabsolute within 6 months. Sarah and George BURREN were
divorced (decree absolute) on 30 July 1867 in London. The address was:HM Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes.
Decree absolute pronounced by the Court. Sarah appeared in the censuson 2 April 1871 in Gillingham aged 27. The address
was: Middle Street. 'Daughter' [sic - actually granddaughter], nomarital status given [actually divorced, as indicated by
reversion to her maiden surname], age 27 [sic - actually 28], bornBrompton, with maternal grandfather, married sister Jane
Weekes* & alleged 'son-in-law' [sic] of grandfather (James Weekes[probably a relation of sister Jane's husband]). Name
Sarah Tyler. RG10 Pc908 Fo113 Pg12. (Address was one of severalhouseholds listed, without house numbers, between no.9
& no.12 - in the 1861 census the family had been living at no.10.)[*Jane's husband & 3 young children not listed with her &
not yet found elsewhere in the census, but known to be alive, sincethey were present with her in the 1871 census.]. Sarah
died after 1871.
[from Chris Haines, 2014 email]
Originally added to family line based on names of parents (Samuel &Eliza), place and date of christening as shown in the LDS VitalRecords Index. Confirmation is a photo in the possession of ThomasHoward Wickenden, taken in about 1860, which shows the three Wickendenbrothers. On the back, in writing that appears to be that of ThomasRogers Wickenden, it is labelled "Your Grandfather, Uncle Sam andUncle Harry". This is "Uncle Harry".
A possible death date is September, 1898. The BDM listings shows aHenry Wickenden, age 60 as having died in the Medway district inSeptember, 1898
The 1881 Census for Kent shows Henry as follows:
Cazeneure St Boot Shop
Census Place: Rochester St Margaret, Kent, England
Source: FHL Film 1341210 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0886 Folio 43Page 9Surname Given age relationship Census place Occupation NameofHead Place of birth
Wickenden Henry 42 head Rochester St M Boot Maker self Rochester
Wickenden Ellen 39 wife Rochester St M …. Wickenden, Henry Rochester
Wickenden John 25 nephew Rochester St M General Labourer WickendenHenry Rochester
Wickenden Emma 21 niece Rochester St M …. Wickenden Henry Rochester
Wickenden John 2m nephew Rochester St M …. Wickenden Henry Rochester
Martin Ada 13 niece Rochester St. M Scholar Wickenden, Henry Burham
Simons Alfred 20 boarder Rochester St. M General Labourer Wickenden,Henry RochesterHenry also shows up in the 1841 and 1861 census as part of the familygrouping of Samuel and Eliza. In 1861 he as still living at home,his occupation listed as a boot and shoe maker.
The relationship of Ada Martin, niece is not known (a niece fromEllen's side of the family? from one of Henry's sisters?)
A note is that the marriage of Henry's parents, Samuel and Eliza waswitnessed by witnessed by Thomas and Eliza Simmons. Is Alfred Simonsa relation to them or just a random boarder?
Of note(2) is a burial records for St. Margaret's Church in Rochesterof an Ann Wickenden, living at Carzenauve Street, age 70 Years, whowas buried on 19 Feb 1857. Henry (Harry) Wickenden had a boot shot onCazeneure Street in 1881 (1881 Census). In 1861 Harry was living athome on Princess Street. The only Ann that might fit is an Ann bornon 12 January 1786 who was Harry's 1st cousin, once removed. JoyceGale who provided the original data on this Ann shows her death dateto be 1826. Could Joyce be in error or is the Ann in the burialrecord another Ann completely? It seems more than a coincidence tohave an Ann Wickenden living on Cazeneure Street and then a couple ofyears later Harry takes up residence there. [Ken Watson, 2001]
St. Margarets Church BDM records - Ann Rebecca, of Delce LaneSt.Margarets, daughter of Samuel and Eliza, Baptised 17 Jan
16. Henry Wickenden
1851 Census - St Margarets, Rochester - 7 St. Margarets Street.
Henry Wickenden - head, age 46, occupation, barge proprieter, bornRochester
Emma - wife, age 42, born Brompton
Henry, son, age 9, born RochesterBaptismal certificate of daughter Emma in 1839 shows Henry as "bargeowner"
1851 Census - St Margarets, Rochester - 7 St. Margarets Street.
Henry Wickenden - head, age 46, occupation, barge proprieter, bornRochester
Emma - wife, age 42, born Brompton
Henry, son, age 9, born Rochester
35. Emma Wickenden
Emma does not show up in the 1851 census which shows Henry, wife Emmaand son Henry - so presumably Emma was deceased before the census.
Baptism record shows family to be living at East Row, St Margarets.
BDM Listings for Kent show Henry Carter Wickenden, burial in December1870, age 24. Another record indicates age of 26
19. James Wickenden
Brenda Marns notes some conflict regarding this James Wickenden. Shenow believes (2002) that this James married Ann Featherstone and that"her" James, who married Mary Wilkinson has not been found. AnnFeatherstone married a James Wickenden in 1812 in Gillingham, Kent
James is listed as having an occupation of Shipwright
on Baptism records of his children in 1813.Listed in 1841 Census as living in Oak Yard, High
Street, Strood.
Listed in 1851 census as living at 59 Cross Street, Chatham, Kent[John Wickenden 2009]
23. Thomas Wickenden
Baptismal Certificate of daughter Sarah shows Thomas to have theoccupation of baker.
Death date from St. Nicholas Rochester burial records. Shows him as"Thomas H.", buried January 11, 1823, age 5 months [Ken Watson, 2001]
Death date speculation based on St. Nicholas, Rocheter burial recordswhich show a Mary Ann Wickenden, buried 12 Aug 1824, age 6 months [KenWatson, 2001]
Death date speculation based on burial records of St. Nicholas,Rochester which show a Stephen Wickenden, buried 27 Nov 1827, ageinfant [Ken Watson, 2001]
Death record for St. Nicholas shows "John Authorn" of Frindsbury, whodied at age 15 weeks [Ken Watson, 2001]
Note: baptismal certificate clearly shows "Authorn John" as name.