Nesting Bald Eagle
photo by: Ken W. Watson, 2014

This is a very uncommon sight on the Rideau Canal, a nesting Bald Eagle - presumably the female (the inset photo is the presumed male in flight). There was at least one hungry eaglet in the nest (only one was ever seen), which is located on a lake in the southern part of the Rideau Canal. The nesting location previously belonged to an Osprey, but the eagles have taken over the nest and expanded its size.

Bald Eagles are an extirpated species in southern Ontario. Originally quite common, they were driven to local extinction by loss of habit, hunting, and later, the use of DDT which softened the shells of their eggs. They are now making a very slow comeback.

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URL: www.rideau-info.com/canal/images/nature/img-bald-eagle-nest.html
© 2014 Ken W. Watson