Your location: Rideau Canal Home Page > Photo Gallery

The Rideau Photo Gallery is split into eight main sections which can be accessed by clicking on the photo links below. In addition, be sure to check out the interactive panoramas, the photo cubes and the rippling water pictures. You can also choose to view a text only version of the photo gallery page (much faster loading but you don't get to see the preview thumbnail images). If you're thinking of sending me a digital photo, please read this first
Just click on a picture or text link to view the various galleries. (hint: while viewing a photo, just click on the photo to move to the next one)
for some of my best photos, see the nature, paddling and lockstation photo galleries on the Friends of the Rideau Facebook page:
Friends of the Rideau Photo Galleries

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All About Digital Photos
Do you want to learn more about digital photos. What exactly are they? How should they properly be stored? How do you resize a digital photo? Why is DPI irrelevant to digital photo quality? The answer to these questions and more can be found in my : All About Digital Photos website. |
Sending Me Photos
Please note that with very few special exceptions, all the photos in this gallery are my own. So I don't accept outside photos (no matter how excellent) for posting to my galleries. However, I certainly don't mind seeing interesting photographs of the Rideau. |
Comments: send me email: Ken Watson
©1996- Ken W. Watson