Your location: Rideau Canal Home Page > Photo Gallery > 1800s Paintings

1800s Paintings
The building of the Rideau (1826-1832) pre-dated photography, so the visual record we have of the canal from the early 1800s are paintings. These were done by such people as Thomas Burrowes (Assistant Overseer of the Works during the building of the Rideau Canal, later Overseer of Works for the southern section of the canal), John Burrows (surveyor during canal construction, appointed Overseer of the Works for the Rideau Canal in 1837), William Clegg, James Pattison Cockburn and others. The originals of the digitized versions presented here are held by either the Archives of Ontario (Burrowes & Clegg) or Library and Archives Canada (Burrows, Clegg, Cockburn, and others).
To view the holdings of the Archives of Ontario, use their Visual Database and enter the keyword "Burrowes" (for Thomas Burrowes) or "Clegg" (for William Clegg). The search term "Rideau" doesn't work very well since they don't have many of these paintings keyworded as Rideau.
To view the holdings of the National Archives of Canada, use the Archivianet Documentary Art Database and enter the search terms "Burrows" and/or "Clegg" and/or "Cockburn" and/or "Rideau"
Entrance Valley, 1834 |
Lower Bytown, 1845 |
Hartwells, 1845 |
Hogs Back, 1845 |
Black Rapids, 1830 |
Long Island, 1845 |
Burritts Rapids, 1840s |
Nicholsons, 1840s |
Clowes, 1832 |
Merrickville, 1840s |
Maitlands, 1832 |
Edmons, 1832 |
Old Slys, 1840s |
Smiths Falls, 1845 |
First Rapids, 1845 |
Narrows, 1845 |
Isthmus, 1841 |
Chaffey's, 1833 |
Davis, 1840s |
Jones Falls Dam, 1831 |
Jones Falls, 1843 |
Upper Brewers, 1830 |
Lower Brewers, 1831 |
Kingston Mills, 1856 |
Comments: send me email: Ken Watson
©1996- Ken W. Watson