Your location: Rideau Canal Home Page > Photo Gallery > People, Places & Boat Photos

People, Places & Boats
Please note: I have also have a gallery of Rideau Paddling photos posted to the Friends of the Rideau Facebook page at: Facebook Rideau Paddling Gallery
Voyageur Brigade |
Adding Character |
Rainbow Mill |
Dunder Paddling |
Dunder Break |
Rideau Portage I |
Rideau Portage II |
In We Go |
Paddling Tips |
Roughing It |
Culvert Paddling |
Dog Paddling II |
Dog Paddling III |
Sharing II |
Second Thought |
Buttermilk Falls |
Bedford Mills |
Chaffeys Mill 1 |
Chaffeys Mill 2 |
Watson's Mill |
Watson's Mill |
Old Stone Mill |
Old Stone Mill |
Boathouse Dawn |
Rideau Dawn |
Photo Op |
Parked |
True North |
Martelloed |
Weed Eater |
Captain Lance |
Paddles High |
Hard Work |
Run Away |
Fifes |
Westport |
Perth |
Kingston |
By Family |
Stone Glow |
Entering |
Little/Big |
Duck's Life |
Blacksmithing |
Fall Dunder |
Reflection Paddle |
Christmas Glow |
Cedarman |
Bedford Kayak |
Where's the Loon? |
La Vagabonde |
Moored Classic |
Cruising Classics |
Dog Paddling |
Summer Spectrum |
Tandem Paddle |
Pine Paddle |
Power Putter |
Burritts Methodist |
Sunrise Paddle |
Misty Morning |
Quiet Morning |
Morton Moored |
Duke's Profile |
Scherzer Bridge |
Mica Mine |
Sunset Fishing |
Please note: I also have a gallery of Rideau Paddling photos posted to the Friends of the Rideau Facebook page at: Facebook Rideau Paddling Gallery
Comments: send me email: Ken Watson
©1996- Ken W. Watson