Voyageur Brigade at the Quarters
photo by: Ken W. Watson

The Rideau Canal Brigade, part of the Voyageur Brigade Society, paddles through "The Quarters" on their way from Jones Falls to Davis Lock.

Actual voyageurs and earlier paddlers would not have been able to paddle this section of the Rideau Route. This photo is taken at the upper part of the original Jones Falls - a long set of rapids that was unavigable in the pre-canal era. These paddlers are near the head of the 1,400 metre long portage that led around the rapids. In 1831, the Great Dam at Jones Falls was completed to its intended height, flooding the rapids and making them navigable for today's voyageurs.

You can see other photos of the Brigade at Davis Lock (photo 1 and photo 2).

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URL: www.rideau-info.com/canal/images/places/img-voyageur-brigade.html
© 2013 Ken W. Watson