A 360 degree panoramic view of Jones Falls
taken from the location of the old log guardhouse

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It is difficult to get a feeling of what a lockstation such as Jones Falls looked like when it was first built. There were no trees near the lockstation, they had been cut down to first provide for air flow during the construction on the locks as a prevention for swamp fever, and later, to maintain a clear view of the approaches of the lockstation for military defence.

This panorama is taken from the location of the old log guardhouse, early in the spring before the leaves had come out, which would obscure the view. In fact, a walk around a lock in April can often reveal features hidden by the summer leaf cover.

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All photos on this page ©2001 Ken Watson
This page was last updated on: May 18, 2001
URL: www.rideau-info.com/canal/images/ptview/ptv-jonesfalls-spring.html
© 2001 Ken Watson