Your location: Rideau Canal Home Page > Rideau Lockstations > Hogsback Locks 11-12
  HOGSBACK Locks 11-12
Number of locks: 1* Total Lift: 4.4m ( 14.5 ft.) Lock Through Time: 15 minutes*
Chart No: 1512 (Sheet 1) GPS:1 N 45° 22.210'   W 75° 41.940'
Chart Sales: No Lockstation Tel: 613-224-5033
Washrooms: Yes2 Drinking Water: Yes3 Day Use Docking: Yes
Overnight Mooring: Yes Docking4 Upstream:
Docking4 Downstream:
Ice: No Power: No Boater Camping:5 Yes**
Boat Launch: Yes Picnic Tables: Yes BBQ Grills: No
Parking: Yes Public Telephone: No Self Guided Trail: Yes
Hwy Access: from Hogs Back Road Locks Connect: Rideau Canal Cut to Rideau River
Civic Address: 795 Hogs Back Road, Ottawa, Ontario
Special Notes: * Although there are two locks at Hogs Back, only the downstream lock is a lift lock, the upstream lock is a flood guard lock. To ensure passage, boaters must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing. There is a swing bridge with a clearance of 2.9m (9.4 ft). The bridge swings on demand except on Mondays to Fridays (excluding holidays) when it will NOT operate between the hours of 08:30 - 09:00h,; 12:30 - 13:15h; and 15:30 - 17:30h. Camping is available but not recommdended due to area nightime activities.
Of Interest: Hogs Back is the spot where the canal leaves the Rideau River and heads overland to the Ottawa Locks. A large dam, the second highest on the Rideau system (next to Jones Falls) was needed to provide the required lift of water. Originally intended to be a stone-arch dam, it failed three times during construction. In his report on the third failure, Colonel By wrote “I felt a motion like an earthquake … the Stones falling from under my feet as I moved off.” The dam was re-designed as a timber crib earthen dam which still holds back the water today. Walking trails lead around the locks and dam. Hogs Back also features the only guard lock (a non-lift lock) on the entire Rideau system, put in place here to protect the main lock from spring flooding.
* Time to actually go through the locks. Allow at least twice this time when trip planning. See Schedule Caveats.
** Camping is available but not recommended due to area nightime activities
1) GPS data should not be used for navigation. See the GPS page.
2) Washrooms are wheel chair accessible.
3) Unless indicated otherwise, water at the lockstation is potable.
4) Includes both blueline and greyline docking - see Lockstation Docking Page.
5) Allows tent camping for those arriving by water and also for cyclists and hikers.

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Hogs Back to Ottawa Photo Tour Video

Hogs Back Locks
Hogs Back Locks looking North
This is where the artificial channel of the Rideau Canal in Ottawa departs from the natural channel of the Rideau River. The canal from here to the Ottawa River is partly man-made. The Rideau River continues to flow as it always has, to the Rideau Falls and into the Ottawa River.

The top lock at Hogs Back is a "guard lock" - it isn't used for lifting, but rather was put in place as protection, particularly from spring flooding of the main lift lock. Although normally a non-lift lock, it can be used as a lift lock in times of extreme high water. Although several were planned, this was the only guard lock built on the canal.
photo by Parks Canada Agency (the signboard at Hogs Back)

Comments: send me email: Ken Watson

©1996-2025 Ken W. Watson