Letter from George Ingram regarding Fees and Revenue Generation on the Rideau Canal - February 14, 2013. (PDF)
Open Letter from former Rideau Canal Superintendent Gord Giffin - February 11, 2013. (PDF)
Letter with a revised fee proposal being put forward by the Office of Mayor John Williams of Quinte West. Although the schedule is more for the Trent-Severn Waterway the fees would apply to both the Trent and the Rideau. Have a read and direct your comments to the Mayor or to Marc Ackert (skipper@cruiseontario.ca)
Letter from former canal managers regarding magnitude of lockage and mooring fee increases - January 23, 2013. (PDF)
Letter from Neil Manders with a U.S. view of the cuts and fee increases - January 18 & 23, 2013. (PDF)
Letter to Gord Brown, MP from former Rideau Canal Superintendent Gord Giffin - January 17, 2013. (PDF)
Letter to Township of Leeds and Thousand Islands Council from the Seeley's Bay and Area Residents' Association - November 29, 2012 (PDF)
Letter to Minister Kent from Inland Waterways International - August 22, 2012 (PDF)
Letter to Minister Kent from the Rideau Environmental Action League - September 4, 2012 (PDF)
Public Meeting with Bob Rae, MP - August 22, 2012
Media Release and Letter from former Rideau and Trent-Severn managers regarding navigation costs - August 20, 2012 (PDF)
Letter from the Rideau Roundtable, August 17, 2012 (PDF)
Editorial in the Ottawa Citizen, August 11, 2012
Media Release and Letter from former Rideau and Trent-Severn managers - August 6, 2012
Letter to the Hon. Peter Kent from Hunter McGill, Chair, Friends of the Rideau - July 31, 2012
Public Meeting with Gord Brown, MP - July 24, 2012
Letter to Gord Brown, MP from the Rideau Roundtable - July 23, 2012.(PDF)
Letter to Gord Brown, MP from George Ingram - July 18, 2012.(PDF)
Letter to Gord Brown, MP from Gord Giffin - July 18, 2012.(PDF)
Letter from the Rideau Roundtable (PDF)
The Trent Severn Waterway Working Group website about the issues affecting the Trent-Severn Waterway See: www.trentsevern.ca
Save The Rideau and St. Lawrence - a Facebook page about the large fee increases Parks Canada is proposing. See: www.facebook.com
Historic Canals: Behind the Scenes is a Facebook page showing that the canals are much more that simply waterways catering to recreational boaters. See: www.facebook.com
Stop the Cuts to Parks Canada and the Rideau Canal is a petition campaign by MP Paul Dewar. See: www.pauldewarmp.ca
Marc Ackert (Ontario Waterway Cruises) and Lance Jervis-Read (Rideau Boat Canal Tours) are heading a campaign to maintain the Rideau's operating season. For full info see their website: www.historiccanalsofcanada.com
The Canadian Canal Society has opened up a News page on their website with the latest press about cuts to canals. See their website at: www.canadiancanalsociety.org/news.html
The union representing workers on the Rideau and Trent are natually upset about the loss of jobs. They are also upset about the loss of heritage. See their website at: kingstonpsac.wordpress.com
Parks Canada is removing heritage staff and expertise. The cuts to their archaeological staff is listed here: elfshotgallery.blogspot.ca/2012/05/summary-of-archaeology-cuts-to-parks.html
Canadians' opportunity to know our country's history and cultural heritage is under threat by cuts by the Government of Canada: www.canadaspastmatters.ca
Dave Ballinger, former Director of Operations for the Rideau Canal has posted his worries about the changes being done by Parks Canada: blog.inlandwaterwaysinternational.org
Orland French, heritage buff and cottager on Sand Lake has posted his own Jones Falls photo essay: wallbridgehouse.com/heritage-preservation-c163.php
Parks Canada is moving artifact collections. While not directly a Rideau issue it speaks to the Parks Canada decimation of the heritage side of its organization. A group in Nova Scotia has set up a facebook page about the removal of their local artifacts: www.facebook.com/groups/101984433285451/