Your location: Rideau Canal Home Page > Boating Information > Fuel Mixing Tables


The following gas:oil fuel mix ratio charts are a handy reference for those using any type of engine that requires mixed fuel. Use the print button on your browser to print out a copy to keep in your garage, your boat, or anyplace where you might end up making up an gas/oil fuel mix.
  16:1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1
Litres millilitres of oil
5 300 200 150 125 100
10 625 425 300 250 200
15 950 625 475 375 300
20 1250 825 625 500 400
25 1550 1050 775 625 500
  16:1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1
Imp Gal Imp ounces of oil
1   10.0   7.0    5.0   4.0    3.0
2   20.0  13.5  10.0   8.0    6.5
3   30.0  20.0  15.0  12.0    9.5
4   40.0  27.0  20.5  16.0  13.0
5   50.0  33.0  25.0  20.0  16.0

  16:1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1
US Gal US ounces of oil
1   8.0   5.5   4.0   3.2   2.5
2 16.0 10.5   8.0   6.5   5.0
3 24.0 16.0 12.0   9.5   7.5
4 32.0 21.5 16.0 13.0 10.0
5 40.0 26.5 20.0 16.0 13.0
  16:1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1
Litres US ounces of oil
5 10.5   7.0   5.5   4.0   3.5
10 21.0 14.0 10.5   8.5   7.0
15 32.0 21.0 16.0 12.5 10.0
20 42.5 28.0 21.0 17.0 13.5
25 53.0 35.0 26.5 21.0 17.0

  16:1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1
US Gal millilitres of oil
1 225 150 125 100 75
2 475 325 225 200 150
3 700 475 350 275 225
4 950 625 475 375 300
5 1175 800 600 475 375
  16:1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1
Imp Gal millilitres of oil
1 275 200 150 125 100
2 575 375 275 225 175
3 850 575 425 350 275
4 1125 750 575 450 375
5 1425 950 700 575 450

Note: ounce measurements rounded to the neared 0.5 ounce and millilitre measurements rounded to the nearest 25 ml.
A few unit conversion factors:
A US Gallon Contains: An Imperial Gallon Contains: A Litre contains:
128 US ounces 153.7 US ounces 33.8 US ounces
133.2 Imperial ounces 160 Imperial ounces 35.2 Imperial ounces
3.785 litres 4.546 litres 1000 millilitres

For more conversions, visit the Unit Conversion Calculators Page.

Comments: send me email: Ken Watson

©1996- Ken W. Watson