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Google Earth Information

Google Earth is a free program available from Google that will allow you to view satellite imagery of the entire earth.

The Google Earth links on this website are location files - clicking on the links will fly to that location.

Potential Problems

  1. For the links to work you must already have Google Earth installed on your computer

  2. With some browsers (most noteably Internet Explorer) you may be asked if you want to "Open or Save" the file. Choosing "Open" will run the file in Google Earth.

  3. If you have a download manager installed, you may have to disable it (if it doesn't provide an "open" option) to get the file to work.

  4. If you can only save the file, it can be opened later in Google Earth. Just run Google Earth and choose "File" > "Open" and navigate to where you saved the location file on your computer.

Google Earth  Get Google Earth - see

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©1996-2013 Ken W. Watson