Your location: Rideau Canal Home Page > Boating Information > Lockstation GPS Waypoints
Rideau Canal GPS Waypoints
(Datum = NAD 83)
(* not to be used for navigation - see below)

Lockstation Lower Gate    Upper Gate
  Latitude Longitude    Latitude Longitude
Kingston Mills N 44° 17.471' W 076° 26.570'    N 44° 17.592' W 076° 26.511'
Lower Brewers N 44° 23.341' W 076° 19.500'    N 44° 23.363' W 076° 19.499'
Upper Brewers
(† Middle Gate)
N 44° 24.769' † W 076° 18.792' †    N 44° 24.769' † W 076° 18.792' †
Jones Falls N 44° 32.688' W 076° 14.226'    N 44° 32.790' W 076° 14.350'
Davis N 44° 33.772' W 076° 17.512'    N 44° 33.777' W 076° 17.543'
Chaffeys N 44° 34.736' W 076° 19.203'    N 44° 34.751' W 076° 19.180'
Newboro N 44° 38.744' W 076° 19.262'    N 44° 38.752' W 076° 19.293'
Narrows N 44° 42.186' W 076° 17.720'    N 44° 42.178' W 076° 17.749'
Lower Beveridges N 44° 52.497' W 076° 08.354'    N 44° 52.504' W 076° 08.384'
Upper Beveridges N 44° 52.601' W 076° 08.724'    N 44° 52.618' W 076° 08.746'
Poonamalie N 44° 53.589' W 076° 03.334'    N 44° 53.569' W 076° 03.349'
Smiths Falls Detached N 44° 53.760' W 076° 01.626'    N 44° 53.750' W 076° 01.655'
Smiths Falls Combined N 44° 53.821' W 076° 01.233'    N 44° 53.814' W 076° 01.263'
Old Slys
(† Middle Gate)
N 44° 53.586' † W 076° 00.248' †    N 44° 53.586' † W 076° 00.248' †
Edmonds N 44° 52.641' W 075° 59.005'    N 44° 52.659' W 075° 59.026'
(† centre of lock)
N 44° 53.075' † W 075° 55.824' †    N 44° 53.075' † W 075° 55.824' †
Merrickville N 44° 55.050' W 075° 50.037'    N 44° 54.993' W 075° 50.265'
Clowes N 44° 56.773' W 075° 49.337'    N 44° 56.759' W 075° 49.362'
Upper Nicholsons N 44° 57.084' W 075° 49.047'    N 44° 57.062' W 075° 49.052'
Lower Nicholsons N 44° 57.304' W 075° 48.955'    N 44° 57.281' W 075° 48.956'
Burritts Rapids N 44° 58.958' W 075° 47.185'    N 44° 58.942' W 075° 47.208'
Long Island N 45° 15.080' W 075° 42.120'    N 45° 15.025' W 075° 42.112'
Black Rapids
(† lower gate only)
N 45° 19.293' † W 075° 41.889' †    -- --
Hogs Back
(† Middle Gate)
N 45° 22.208' † W 075° 41.942' †    N 45° 22.208' † W 075° 41.942' †
Hartwells N 45° 23.088' W 075° 41.990'    N 45° 23.034' W 075° 42.010'
Ottawa N 45° 25.604' W 075° 41.917'    N 45° 25.495' W 075° 41.740'
  Lower Gate    Upper Gate

* The data above should not be used for navigation purposes. The appropriate charts must be used for navigation and the Rideau channel is clearly marked with buoys. This GPS data can be used for daily trip planning and general waterway enjoyment (by answering that nagging question - how much farther is it to the next lockstation).

MY THANKS - this data has been kindly provided to me by Jim Weedon of the Canadian Hydrographic Service. It is based on a highly accurate DGPS survey conducted by the Canadian Hydrographic Service during the summer of 2003. It replaces much less accurate GPS data that I collected in 1999. So a big thank-you to Jim Weedon for sending this along.

Those with digital chart capabilities may be interested in the Nautical Data International, Inc. Web Site, the authorized digital chart dealer for the Canadian Hydrographic Service.

Comments: send me email: Ken Watson

©1996- Ken W. Watson