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Distances between Lockstations

Although full route statistics (including cumulative distances from Ottawa to Kingston and vice-versa) can be found on in the Route Statistic section on the Rideau Statistics page, it can be handy to know the distances between lockstations on the Rideau Canal.

The distances shown follow the marked navigation channel of the Rideau Canal (shown on navigation charts 1512 and 1513). For most paddlers, actual distances will be longer (since many paddlers don't follow the navigation channel) - but these can serve as a quick indicator of minimum distances between lockstations.

The length of the lockstation itself is not included in these numbers (a cumulative distance 1.1 km over 23 lockstations)

Lockstation Kilometers Miles
Lasalle Causeway to Kingston Mills 6.9 4.3
Kingston Mills to Lower Brewers 15.7 9.8
Lower Brewers to Upper Brewers 2.8 1.7
Upper Brewers to Jones Falls 17.3 10.7
Jones Falls to Davis 6.9 4.3
Davis to Chaffeys 3.3 2.1
Chaffeys to Newboro 7.9 4.9
Newboro to Narrows 8.4 5.2
Narrows to Colonel By Island 5.6 3.5
Colonel By Island to Poonamalie 25.7 16.0
Poonamalie to Smiths Falls Detached 3.7 2.3
Smiths Fall Detached to Combined 0.6 0.4
Smiths Falls Combined to Old Slys 1.4 0.9
Old Slys to Edmunds 2.7 1.7
Edmunds to Kilmarnock 6.0 3.7
Kilmarnock to Merrickville 12.5 7.8
Merrickville to Clowes 3.3 2.1
Clowes to Upper Nicholsons 0.8 0.5
Lower Nicholsons to Burritts Rapids 5.4 3.4
Burritts Rapids to Long Island 40.7 25.3
Long Island to Black Rapids 8.3 5.2
Black Rapids to Hogs Back 6.6 4.1
Hogs Back to Hartwells 1.7 1.1
Hartwells to Ottawa 6.7 4.2
Lockstations (cumulative) 1.1 0.7
TOTAL 202.1 125.6

Lockstation Kilometers Miles
Col By Island to Diversion to Tay* 19.3 12.0
Poonamalie to Diversion to Tay* 6.4 4.0
Diversion* to Lower Beveridges 3.2 2.0
Lower Beveridges to Upper Beveridges 0.7 0.4
Upper Beveridges to Perth Basin 9.0 5.6
Diversion to Perth Basin 12.9 8.0
* Diversion to Tay is about the middle of Lower Rideau Lake

Comments: send me email: Ken Watson

©1996-2025 Ken W. Watson