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Aquatic Vegetation Cutting Permit Conditions

A permit from Parks Canada is required before any aquatic vegetatation can be cut in any waters of the Rideau Canal (this includes all the lakes: Lower, Big and Upper Rideau, Adams, Newboro, Mosquito, Benson, Clear, Indian, Opinicon, Sand, Whitefish, Cranberry, Dog, River Styx & Colonel By and rivers: Rideau, Cataraqui & Tay).

Parks Canada official information and application forms are available on their website at:

The following are conditions and information relating to the aquatic vegetation cutting permit:

The following statements are intended as an understanding between the property owner who is applying for a permit from Parks Canada to mechanically cut and harvest aquatic vegetation from any of the waters that make up the Rideau Canal. It is understood that the land owner agrees to abide and comply with all of these conditions prior to any work associated with the permit commences, and the land owner agrees to conduct work under the permit conditions during the entire duration of the permit. Any deviation from these conditions in any year constitutes a violation under the Historic Canals Regulations, and the landowner is subject to prosecution.
  1. The permit is valid for a duration of five (5) years for aquatic vegetation harvesting only.
  2. No work will be permitted between March 15th and June 30th of any year unless approved by Parks Canada - Rideau Canal Office.
  3. The maximum allowable cut, which is based on guidelines developed by Fisheries and Oceans & the provincial government, should be indicated on the permit. No alteration from that cut will be allowed.
  4. The cut is to be in the same location for subsequent cut operations. Moving the allowable cut from one location to another is not permitted under this permit and will normally require a new application to be made.E. Each land owner will be required to submit the required permit fee of fifty-three dollars and fifty cents, ($52.50), payable to the Receiver General for Canada, which will cover the 5 year permit term. A fee of $105.00 may be applied to commercial properties.
  5. If any of these terms are violated, the Canal may cancel the permit without reimbursement of any portion of the fee.
  6. No other work in, on or above Canal lands & waters is included in the aquatic plant harvesting permit. Any other work is to be applied for separately under the permit process, together with the associated permit fee for that work.
  7. The contractor/landowner is to make all reasonable attempts to harvest and remove the cut aquatic vegetation from the water, and place it upland well above the high water mark, and where applicable outside the flood plain.
  8. No work will commence until the land owner has a valid aquatic plant harvesting permit in his/her possession. A permit is not valid until the application form is completed and signed by the owner of the waterfront property directly fronting the proposed work area, with payment of the applicable fee submitted to the contractor or the Rideau Canal office. If the permit is handled by a plant harvesting contractor, it will be the contractor’s responsibility to submit a copy of this completed permit and the payment to Parks Canada - Rideau Canal Office on the land owner’s behalf.
  9. In completing the application, include lot, concession, municipality and property roll number. A copy of the property deed and formal plan of survey is NOT required as part of this aquatic plant harvesting permit process.
  10. NOTE: The use or application of herbicides of any kind IS NOT PERMITTED in Rideau Canal waters.
  11. Parks Canada is the sole agency responsible for issuing approvals/permits for aquatic plant or “weed” control along the Rideau Canal.
Aquatic Plant Harvesting Guidelines - Rideau Canal

If property shoreline is greater than 75 feet (22.9 m), maximum width allowable for weed cut is 50 feet (15.2 m) x 100 feet (30.5 m) out from shore.

If property shoreline is less than 75 feet (22.9 m), maximum width allowable for weed cut is 26 feet (7.9 m) x 100 feet (30.5 m) out from shore.

Parks Canada official information and application forms are available on their website at:

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