Your location: Rideau Canal Home Page > Rideau Lockstations > Smiths Falls Combined Lock 29a
Number of locks: 1 |
Total Lift: 7.9m ( 26 ft.) |
Lock Through Time: 15 min.* |
Chart No: 1512 (Sheet 3) |
GPS:1 N 44° 53.815' W 76° 01.250' |
Chart Sales: Yes |
Lockstation Tel: 613-283-2103 |
Washrooms: Yes2 |
Drinking Water: Yes3 |
Day Use Docking: Yes |
Overnight Mooring: Yes |
Docking4 Upstream: 175m/575' |
Docking4 Downstream: 152m/500' |
Ice: No |
Power: No |
Boater Camping: Nearby |
Boat Launch: No |
Picnic Tables: Yes |
BBQ Grills: Yes |
Parking: Yes |
Public Telephone: Nearby |
Self Guided Trail: Yes |
Hwy Access: off Beckwith Street |
Lock Connects: Rideau River to Rideau River |
Civic Address: 70 Confederation Drive, Smiths Falls, Ontario |
Special Notes: To ensure passage, boaters must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing. Lock is electric/hydraulic. |
Of Interest: Smiths Falls features the greatest transition from old to new on the Rideau. Concerns over traffic restrictions of the swing bridge, led to the construction of a new high level bridge. The bridge design required that the lock be relocated and a new electrically operated single lock replaced the original flight of three locks. You can still see the old flight of locks since, fortunately for us, they were left intact. The Rideau Canal Visitor Information Centre, featuring many interesting exhibits, is located adjacent to the lock. Take a short hike to the parking lot under the water tower. The stone retaining wall that you see here is actually the top few feet of the original 23 foot high dam that once blocked the flow of the Rideau River. This area was backfilled in the latter part of the 20th century.
Notes: Smiths Falls offers full shopping facilities for the boater within walking distance. Closest full service marina is at Rideau Ferry. Victoria Park offers paid docking and pump-out. |
* Time to actually go through the locks. Allow at least twice this time when trip planning. See Schedule Caveats.
1) GPS data should not be used for navigation. See the GPS page.
2) Washrooms are wheel chair accessible.
3) Unless indicated otherwise, water at the lockstation is potable.
4) Includes both blueline and greyline docking - see Lockstation Docking Page.
Smiths Falls looking WestIn the centre of town is the Smiths Falls Combined lock with a lift of 7.9 m (26 feet), the single highest lift of any Rideau lock. It was built in 1973-74, replacing a flight of 3 locks, which are still in existence, although not used anymore. Once you are into the basin, take a moment to stop and visit the Rideau Canal Visitor Information Centre.
photo copyright © Canadian Hydrographic Service - used with permission |
Comments: send me email: Ken Watson
©1996- Ken W. Watson